February 6, 2013

Feb 1st, 2nd and 4th! That's right 4th!

So the genius' at the calendar company put another black background with white drawing in on the 3rd. That is why there is no 3rd in this blog. I know I know! Don't get mad at me for not having a pen that shows up on it. It is TOTALLY their fault for be creative. Sheez what were they thinking?!
Crap going to have to find a pen for those soon...
Oh and don't mind the crappy tearing of these pages.. That is not my fault either... I swear!
This one said "what's this?" It is a Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz as you can plainly see!
This one said "What has he planted?" The rabbit then says "Nohghgthiing!"
"This truck needs a new paint job-something flashy, please."
NO! I dont wanna, and you can't make me! HA!
Hope you enjoy!

February 4, 2013

Jan 29th 30th, and 31st Calendar Dudeles.

I got to 3 that's right 3! doodles during lunch today! You're welcome!
So I thought of the most embarrassing thing that you could see on a hanger for this one. It turned into a cross dressers dresser.
Poor animals! :(
They wanted me to draw hives on her. Ummmmm.... NO! That is gross! So I just drew a hive and couple bees...

January 29, 2013

Jan 26th and 27th Calendar Doodlesness

Stinking end of the Month stuff at work gives me less play time at lunch! GRRRRRRR. Well hope you enjoy these two I got done today!
I actually follwed the "Directions" on this one! Woo for me!
What can make a wolf look more dangerous than an armory on its back!? Huh!? Nothing! That's what!

January 25, 2013

Jan 25th Calendar Doodle!

Just one today. I was going to do Saturday's and Sunday's but ran out of time.
Taaa Daaarrr!

January 24, 2013

Jan 23rd and 24th Calendar and Tattoo sketch!

Holy Moly I am caught up! Not feeling super creative today so just plopped down stuff on paper today. Enjoy...
Oh I did a quick sketch for a tattoo idea for a friend. Decided to throw it here too.

January 23, 2013

Jan 20th, 21st, and 22nd Calendar Doodles!

Well these were fun and made me giggle like a little school girl. I hope all two of you get the references in a couple of these. Think that is why I giggled so much. I am such a nerd sometimes, that means I am cool now right!? The Nerds have surfaced to take over the world. ( Hmmm that could be a fun comic)
The away party always has to have a douche bag to die on it. Today it is one of the idiots on the "Jersey Shore." Thank you Lord!
Draw me like one of your French girls! Not happy with the tongue on this. Oh well.
Awwwwww!!!! So cute!!

Hope you enjoyed!

January 22, 2013

Jan 18th and 19th Dudeles!

Only had enough time at lunch to do 2 Dudeles today! But they were pretty fun! Hope you think so too!
How could I have drawn anything BUT a Zebra lifting and his girl swooning! Notice he is also lifting twice the weight that the suggestion says! No that's not because I wrote the whole weight on one side so I had to match it! You're crazy for even thinking that...
 If you have not done this in your lifetime then you need to go do it right now! I'm serious! GO GO GO!

January 21, 2013

Jan15th, 16th and 17th Doodle Calendar!! Returns!

Sorry work has changed a bit since someone quit so I haven't had much time to draw on the Calendar. I got three done today!!! (including my birthday, which was a horrible one) Enjoy and let me know what you think!
All i gotta say about this one is "teehee"...
Here is my Birthday one! The comment said " gather these things neatly and tie them with a cord" Well that is DUMB! So my mind went to "why doesn't everything catch on fire around a person in movies or comics who's hair is on fire. That doesn't make any sense!"
This one was much fun! I giggle every time I look at it.

January 14, 2013

Calandar Doodles, Jan 11th, 13th and 14th

Here is the next set of drawings. These were kinda boring until I got to today's! The Bird was fun! Not very inspired but it was fun anywho! You might notice that I am missing the 12th... Well in the infinite wisdom of the calender guru's of old. They decided to put some days with all black backgrounds... While when I first noticed it I thought it was a cool idea! I do not have anything that I can draw on them that will show up. So I guess we will just hold them until I do.. hopefully....
It is tough and stressful having all living things rely on you ever day. It has got to get the sun! Come on!
 Since the Calendar screwed me out of a drawing for now. Here is my daughter in her Birthday outfit before her party. Her Birthday was on the 12th, so it fits!
So the calender wanted me to use a color and choose what color this chair should be.. BORING!
Now this one was fun to do. I would hate to see the floor under this cage. Did you notice where their pooper would be in this itty bitty cage? You did now!